Hasta la vista!

"All my bags are packed and ready to go..."

Tomorrow is the last day of work. Everybody else will be coming back after the Holy Week except for me. I will be giving birth on the last week of June and my husband and I have decided that I will temporarily stop working to take care of our first baby.

This is the first time that I will not be employed this long. The last time I decided to quit being an IT analyst was when I decided to take my master's degree in 2005. Back then, I knew that I will have to find a teaching job sooner or later to jumpstart my career. In less than 4 months, I was given an opportunity as a substitute teacher for Toddlers Unlimited Learning Center and I later handled my own class.

As much as I would like to continue teaching, I am getting all the more excited for the arrival of our baby. I guess this stems from being around children for the last 7 years. It's always been my dream to raise a family and I would like to make things right from the start.

To all my colleagues and mentors, I owe a lot to you. Your guidance and encouragement helped me to see this job as a vocation and as a mission. You opened my eyes to the endless possibilities that can result from loving and nurturing a child. You gently but firmly pushed me to accomplish challenges that I never thought I could pull off, and you made me believe that I can make a difference in someone's life through seemingly simple yet kind and loving gestures. I have grown so much as a teacher, and I promise to pay it forward in the next batch of children who will be under my care. But for the meantime, allow me to apply what I have learned to motherhood and to my baby girl Georgia. When I come back, I might have learned something new that I could share with everyone. Until then, this is Teacher Tere, signing out.