Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why blog?

Hello and welcome to my portfolio. I am Teacher Tere, 32, and about to be a mom less than 4 months. This may appear to be a very informal attempt to showcase myself, but that is actually the point. I am as no-frills as a plain plastic envelope but I'm also as clean and organized, and people can definitely see right through me.

By the way, photos may be too small. Just click on it for a better view :)

Why blog?
I've been writing my thoughts on the World Wide Web since blogging became the trend and this is the third I have created as of this writing, apart from some random thoughts on my Facebook and Multiply accounts. I find it very convenient to update, very easy to access, and I'm pretty sure it would be around for as long as I'm alive. I still keep a Starbucks planner by my bedside where I try to unload and relax before I go to sleep. Yes it's true, nobody can keep me from writing just about anything!
Aside from putting technology to good use, I also promote the protection of the environment and the pursuit of a clutter-free world! I'm proud to say that this portfolio is 100% green and no trees were harmed during its production! I hope that this teaching blog will be more than sufficient in sharing my thoughts and my realizations through the months I have been with SISC.

So why the title?

I always believed that love has led me and continues to lead and inspire me in this vocation - a love for children, a love for learning and discovery, a love for arts and crafts, a love for storytelling, a love for funny yet insightful conversations, and a love for the world's future. It is hoped that from this love, I am able to inspire the children I meet to act, speak, and think out of love. When they grow up they will probably forget my name, but they will always remember that once upon a time, there was a somebody who took care of them, learned with them and made them feel they are important.

"Anything is possible when you're sowing the seeds of love." - Tears for Fears